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How to Write a Blog Post Outline

A breakdown for holistic wellness brands who want to start a blog!

So, you’ve decided to write a blog! Now, you need to know how to write a blog post outline.

Holistic wellness is a trending topic these days. Modern medicine simply doesn’t have the answers to all of our questions about health.

Many people are looking for alternative medicine solutions – and you might have the answers. Most holistic wellness brands have so much information that doesn’t ever make it past their office door. And even then, you can only address the symptoms and issues your patients bring to you. 

Your unique experience and techniques may be the exact change your patient needs to see radical differences in their health. A solid blog post outline is crucial to a well-written blog. Think of it as a GPS guiding your thoughts through the topic to a natural conclusion.

Learn how to write a blog post outline for a holistic wellness blog using Storyteller Paradigm’s SEO-focused blog outline.

How to Write a Blog Post Outline Essentials

These are Storyteller’s SEO blog post outline essentials:

  • Headings
  • Keywords
  • Call to Action

These three essentials will form the base of your blog. A well-written blog starts with a clear outline. Keep reading to learn how to write a blog post outline for your blog.


Headings are the titles and sections of your blog article.

One rule of thumb for better readability is each section should be 300 words or less. So, for a 1000-word blog, you will need at least four sections.

Here’s an example!

sample blog outline - how to write a blog post outline

H1, or Heading 1, is your title. Your top keyword should be featured in your title in the exact word order. (In this case, my main keyword is “Health and Wellness Writer”).

The art of title writing is important not only for SEO, but essential to draw the reader in. Make sure your title clearly demonstrates what your article is about while keeping it around 60 characters.

Don’t get attached to the wording of your title too early in the process. You never know when inspiration will lead your article down a different path!

You will use H2 to divide the main sections of the article – try to use your main keyword as an H2 at least once. H3 will primarily be used within the H2 sections to denote an aside or for listicles.

A note about Lists

You probably already know that when you give a patient too much information at once, they may shut down and stop absorbing what you’re telling them. Lists are a helpful way to break down the information into bite-sized bits for your audience.

Listicles are a type of article that’s broken down into a numbered list. For example, my article “5 Holistic Remedies Endorsed by a Health and Wellness Writer” contains a list of five holistic remedies.


Keywords are necessary to make sure the right people read your article. When you choose keywords, think about which words you would enter in Google.

What questions are you answering?

What specific keyword makes your article unique?

When you think of keywords, the first word that comes to mind is probably going to be too broad. Say you want to write about Reiki. Your first choice is to write a blog on “energy healing.”

Energy healing is a difficult keyword to rank for on search engines. But “energy healing books” and “energy healing massage” are two keywords that are easy to rank for in a blog. Don’t be afraid to start general before you get specific.

Storyteller’s preferred resource for keyword searches is Semrush.

Call to Action

The call to action is when you invite someone to work with you! Don’t forget, the reason you are writing a blog is to cultivate new clients, increase your following, and improve your business. Common call-to-actions are “work with me“, “book an appointment“, or “contact us“!

In the call to action, add a clickable link to an appropriate page on your website.

What to Avoid in Your Blog Post Outline

woman writing on her notebook - how to write a blog post outline

A solid outline isn’t hard to write. But, just in case, here are a few things to avoid when you write your blog post outline.

1. Don’t Copy Copy!

You might be tempted to repurpose a blog that inspired you. But when you are writing for SEO, copying something that someone else wrote is a huge no-no.

In the same way that you got penalized for copying someone else’s term paper, search engines will punish you for copying content. Especially, if that blog has more authority (meaning it’s been online, active, and cataloged) for much longer than your blog.

Don’t write a blog with someone else’s words. Write something that only you know!

2. Keep It Simple

You should also avoid complex wellness terms and medical language without a clear explanation. Most laymen don’t know or care about the scientific names of herbs or the exact medical process that causes a disease. They want clear descriptions and actionable steps to improve their health!

3. Don’t Overthink It

The outline is just an outline. Don’t spend all of your time messing with it! The outline is simply a tool to help focus your attention and thoughts.

With this guide for how to write a blog post outline and a little research, you can create a unique and amazing blog post to provide valuable knowledge for your clients!

H2: Work with Storyteller Paradigm

You can learn how to write a blog post outline and still get stuck writing the meat of the article. Storyteller Paradigm provides intuitive blog writing for your holistic wellness brand.

If you need a little more guidance, contact us to learn more about our Blog Consultation.  If you’re ready to take your blog to the next level, I’m here to guide you on a journey of creative discovery and strategic planning. Together, we dig deep into what makes you unique and create 5 blog post outlines for your business!

Or check out our other offerings here!

Until then,

With love and light,


How to Write a Blog Post Outline

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